Monday, March 31, 2008

Indelible Ink - Scott Larsen (ed.)

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  • Category: non-fiction

  • Acquired: recommended by the nice library lady at Smokey Point Community Church.

  • Read: March 2008

  • Briefly: Twenty-two Christian speakers, authors and assorted luminaries discuss the books that have had a profound effect on their life and thinking.

  • Comments: as I was reading Yancey's book about his 13 unlikely mentors, Brenda mentioned that it sounded similar to a book she had just added to the SPCC library. It is, in fact, although the chapters are much shorter, and comprise 22 different writing styles. Those styles range from Ken Taylor's easy-reading (naturally) autobiographical narrative, to J.I. Packer's expository essay on the nuances of Calvinism (whew). But, if you find yourself unable to relate to a chapter, no big deal - you just skip ahead to the next.

    You'll recognize many of the contributors - Joni Eareckson Tada, Chuck Colson, Michael Card, Jill Briscoe, Luis Palau, Josh McDowell, etc. - and their chapters will make them seem just a bit more personable than they might come across in their more formal writing and speaking. That's nice. You'll have your favorite chapters, too - mine was Larry Crabb's review (of a book I had never heard of).

    Know what I liked best? It was seeing which books and authors kept showing up in list after list (did I mention that this book's final chapter summarizes the lists of another 130 people?) In fact, I even went back to tabulate a few statistics in that regard, just to figure out what I should be adding to my own wish list.
    • Most-mentioned book - tied between the following, with a dozen mentions apiece:
      - Mere Christianity
      - C.S. Lewis
      - My Utmost for His Highest - J. Oswald Chambers.
    • Most-referenced author:
      -C.S. Lewis (23 times). Next nearest was 10!
    • Other frequently mentioned authors/books:
      - Dietrich Bonhoeffer - The Cost of Discipleship
      - J.I. Packer - Knowing God
      - A.W. Tozer - The Pursuit of God, Knowledge of the Holy
      - Philip Yancey - various, but especially "The Jesus I Never Knew"
      - Francis Schaeffer - various
      - Fyodor Dostoevsky - Crime and Punishment
      - John Calvin - Institutes of the Christian Religion
    • Book least-expected to be described as having had "a profound influence on my life and thinking": Anne of Green Gables


    Kari said...

    That sounds like an interesting book but even more fun to have a list of books to check into...

    Unknown said...

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