Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How Do You Choose Books to Read?

When your book pile has dwindled to nothingness, how do you choose what to read next? Do you pick at random from bookstores, or haunt certain sections of the library? Do you stick with titles or authors you're familiar with, or take risks? Do you depend on others for recommendations? Do you follow book reviews? Use other resources? Which ones?

Something I've noticed recently is that certain people just seem to have a knack for digging up books that are interesting, informative, entertaining or otherwise worthwhile reading. My kids and their spouses come to mind in particular, along with other family members and acquaintances. For my part, I'm pretty clueless about what's out there, and base my choices almost entirely on what I see others reading. In fact, my standing gift list item is "the best book you've read recently". As much as I've benefited from that, I suspect there are other ways as well, and wonder what they are.

So, this is an invitation/request to add a comment to this posting, and tell me what's working for you when it comes to selecting books that are worth the time and effort.


Kari said...

My books are almost always personal recomendations. Occaisionally, I find books that another author recomends, or books from a list of "must reads". I also used to always buy used books the lit classes were assigned at SPU bookstore. Very rarely, I'll buy a bestseller based on some good review I've heard about it. I like reading classic authors, so if I'm out of ideas I'll grab something by an author I've at least just heard of and know was influencial.

Anonymous said...

I usually look around until I find something interesting. I like to stick to an author I find though that I really like and read all they have. My favorite author is Harlen Coben. I just finished reading The Woods on vacation and it was excellent. I have to have a page turner or I get uninterested fast.